Waves of Harmony

Dear friends, music lovers, and cultural explorers! As you may know, I've been dedicated to shamisen for the past 20 years (among a bevvy of other instruments), and I'm thrilled to present to you an incredible and unique musical odyssey that I've poured my heart and soul into: Waves of Harmony - a groundbreaking 40-track shamisen fusion project that transcends the boundaries of genre, culture, and time. "Waves of Harmony" unites the unparalleled talents of dozens of virtuoso musicians, creating a symphony of breathtaking melodies and harmonious collaborations. I invite you to join us in bringing these albums to life while not only sharing our passion for the beautiful art of shamisen, but celebrating the incredible collaborative magic that only comes from the connection of generous, down-to-earth souls!

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Shawn HeadComment
BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Kinpu-ryu Honkyoku-den by Nick Bellando

This is an English translation of the Japanese book on the Hirosaki Kinpu-ryu school of shakuhachi honkyoku, originally by Reigetsu Uchiyama. It includes a wealth of information on the school, including over 100 pages of scores from different branches of the school, including additional scores not found in the original.

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Shawn Head